Associations App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Associations app are listed in the following table. Some keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section; the Focus column in the table specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab, see Using the Associations App.




Ctrl (hold) + Click

Used to select multiple non-consecutive relations

Relations area

Shift (hold) + Click

Used to select multiple consecutive relations

Relations area

Ctrl (hold) + Shift (hold) + Click

Depending on the last operation performed before with Ctrl+click, the selection range is extended or reduced

Relations area

Drag + hold Ctrl (Windows) or Options (macOS

Copy association to another association type.

Only dragging the association moves the association to another association type.

Relations area


(Association creation) Hide the “Drag here to select another association type” drop zone overlay that is shown as soon as the dragged selection is positioned in the Associations app

Associations app


Cancel the association creation

Association Type selection overlay