Displaying Locations Details for an Essence
In the File Info tab, for the essence package selected in the Essences Packages table all essences are shown as cards in the “Essences in package” table. For the essence selected in the Essences in package table, you open the Essence Details view that shows the locations where it has been saved in the Locations table. For the location selected in the Locations table, you can display technical data in the Location Details view. All location and location details data is read-only.
To display location details for an essence:
Open the asset for which you want to display location details in the File Info tab.
Select the essence package in the Essences Packages table.
Select the essence in the “Essences in package” table.
The Essence Details view opens.
Select the location in the Locations table.
The Location Details view opens.
The following location details are shown:
Name: Shows the file name of the essence’s copy on that location. During its lifecycle the essence may have been renamed in Asset Management. The original name of the essence is shown as value of the Original Name property in the Essence Details area.
Size: Size of the essence’s copy on that location in bytes.
Carrier: A GUID for the carrier to identify references to essences by locations contained on that carrier; it also specifies which pool a carrier currently resides in.
Path: The path where the essence’s copy is located. This can be either a UNC path or a relative file path. For files located directly in the essence pool’s root, the path is empty.
Online State: Indicates the online status of the essence’s copy on that specific location: Available or Not Available.
Near Online State: Indicates the near online status of the essence’s copy on that specific location: Available or Not Available.
Recording State: Indicates whether the file is still being recorded to the specific location: Recording or Complete.
Location GUID: The Globally Unique Identifier of the location. The location GUID is used internally by Asset Management to exactly define and identify the location — for example if path names are changed.
Registration Creation: Date and time when the essence file was registered on that location.
Registration Modification: Date and time when the essence registration for that location was modified for the last time.
Registration Last Access: Date and time when the essence registration for that location was opened or accessed for the last time.
Registration Audit: Date and time when the essence file on that location was checked during an audit by the Essence Server managing that location for the last time.