Identifying MediaCentral Production Management Media Assets

Different icons are used to identify Production Management assets in the Browse app.



Audio asset

Video asset: master clip

Video asset: in-progress clip (Edit While Capture or EWC)

Video asset: subclip

Video asset: sequence

Video asset: sequence (locked)

If you have Read-Only access to the Production Management database, the sequence icon appears with a lock to alert you that you cannot edit the asset.

Video asset: group clip

Video asset: effect

If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is included in a multi-site environment, a downward-pointing arrow appears over the icon of any remote assets. For more information, see Working with Remote Assets.

When a reservation is applied to a folder in the Production Management database, a red circle appears over the standard folder icon. Reservations prevent non-administrators from deleting or moving assets from the folder. For more information on adding or removing reservations, see “Setting Reservations” in the Avid Interplay | Access User’s Guide.

When you hover the mouse pointer over the icon, a tool-tip shows you when the reservation expires; this can be an exact date or “never.” While the reservation information is retrieved, you might see a “Fetching reservation expiry date...” message for a short time. The reservation date information is also provided for the assets in the reserved folder.