Previewing Graphic Elements
MediaCentral Cloud UX offers you multiple ways of previewing Maestro templates:
Single image preview: A single image is generated automatically for any Maestro template or item that you open or modify in the Graphics tab.
Animated graphics preview: The Render button in the Graphics tab allows you to create a playable version of the graphic.
Composite graphic preview: A composite refers to video media assets that come from a MediaCentral module such as Production Management, combined with a timed-graphic element (template or item).
In all cases, you can view or play the graphic preview in the Media Viewer of the Asset Editor.
n If you see a “Graphic Server not responding. Please contact the Administrator” message in the Media Viewer after loading a graphic into the Asset Editor, your administrator should verify the network connection to the Maestro system and verify that the correct share is mounted on the MediaCentral Cloud UX server(s).
To view a single image preview for a template:
After loading a template or item into the Asset Editor, a “Generating graphic preview...” message is displayed in the Media Viewer. After a few moments, the Media Viewer displays a single representative frame of the graphic element.
A single preview is generated every time a template is modified.
To view an animated graphic preview for a template:
In the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor, click the Render button.
The template begins to render. Animated previews include modified graphic content and animation that was defined during the template creation. After the render process is complete, you can play the graphic in the Media Viewer.
After the rendered graphic is loaded, you can click the Play button in the Media Viewer to view the graphic or drag the position indicator to scroll through the timeline.
To view a composite graphic preview:
After you add a timed-graphic to a story sequence, you can press play in the Asset Editor to see both video and the overlay graphics play together.
When you press play, a preview of the graphic is generated automatically. The graphic appears at the time specified by the In and Out marks that are specified in the Graphics tab.