Showing and Hiding the Filters Sidebar

When you first access the Associations app, the Filters sidebar is hidden. Show the Filters sidebar to define filters for the displayed relation types. Alternatively, you can resize or collapse the sidebar to increase the screen space for the Relations area.

When you dock the Associations app the sidebar is hidden. Undocking the Associations app restores the Relations area but does not restore the sidebar. For more information on docking apps, see Docking Apps.

To show the sidebar:

  • Click the white Filter button.

    The Filters sidebar is shown to the left of the Relations area. The Filter button is colored blue.

To resize the sidebar:

  • Click and drag the divider that separates the sidebar from the Relations area to a new position.

To collapse the sidebar, do one of the following:

  • Click the blue Filter button.

  • Click the Filters sidebar’s Collapse button.

  • Decrease the Associations app size until the Relations area reaches a minimal width.