Working in List View
Displayed in List view by default, assignments are organized in a grid pattern where each row represents an individual assignment and each column provides additional data about that assignment. When you first access the Collaborate app, the app highlights the first assignment in the list to allow for easier keyboard navigation. Assignments are sorted by the Created (date) column by default.
You can customize the look of the Explorer panel by adding or removing columns of data — such as Due Date, Tags, Team, and more — through the Display Options menu.
The Status (colored bar on the far left) and the Title fields are special in that you cannot deselect them through the Display Options menu. The Status column provides you with the current status of each assignment. For more information, see Assigning the Priority and Status.
Also note that if you sort the Planner using either the Status or Priority fields, the app does not sort the list alphabetically by those attributes. Collaborate sorts the list based on their order in the Collaborate Settings app. For example the default Priority fields are sorted accordingly: Breaking News, High Profile, Low Profile, and finally Embargo.
To sort the assignments list:
(if necessary) Click the List button in the Explorer header.
Click on a column header to reorder the list.
An up arrow appears to the right of the column name to indicate that this column is used to sort the results in ascending order.
(optional) When you click on a column header, the column is sorted in ascending order by default. If you need to sort the list in descending order, simply click on the column header again to reverse the order of the list.
A down arrow appears to the right of the column name to indicate that this column is used to sort the results in descending order.
n While some columns allow you to reorder the list by clicking the column header, this function is not supported for all columns.