Annotating Segment Properties

In addition to text properties, Asset Management strata can provide several other property types. Which properties you can edit in a stratum depends on the configuration of the stratum in Asset Management Datamodel Administrator.

Starting with version 2021.11, you can annotate all properties of Asset Management strata in the Storyboard tab (List view). “Annotation” here refers to the process of adding information to a segment. Annotation related to the entire asset can be entered and edited in the Metadata tab. Basically, you have the same options for annotating strata segments as for annotating properties in the Metadata tab. Note the following difference:

  • Strata cannot have multi-value properties and multi-value compound properties.

  • You cannot navigate between the properties of segments using the Tab key.

  • In Strata, pressing the Esc key to discard changes in a property and end editing mode is not supported for Text properties.

For more information on how to edit the individual property types, see the corresponding Metadata tab topics: