Log App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Log app are listed in the following table. Some keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section; the Focus column in the table specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab, see Working with the Log App.




Ctrl+M (Windows)
Command+M (macOS)

Creates a span with one frame duration

Log app

Ctrl+I (Windows)
Command+I (macOS)

Creates a new span and sets the In point to the current timecode

Log app

Ctrl+O (Windows)
Command+O (macOS)

Sets the Out point to the current timecode

Log app

F2 through F11

Shift+F2 through F11

(if configured)


Inserts the configured button or dropdown value to the corresponding span column in the Visual Text area.

For a text component, sets the cursor in the text component in the Visual Logging area. If the component already contains text, the text is highlighted.

Only available if the shortcut keys are configured for the used session template.

Log app


Cancel placing a component


Ctrl (hold) + Click

Select multiple button or dropdown values for applying a color



Toggle the display inside the “Select a shortcut window” to show the shortcuts <Up-arrow>F2 through <Up-arrow>F11 or the shortcuts F2 through F11.


Shift (hold) + Click

Toggle the display inside the “Select a shortcut window” to show and select a shortcut <Up-arrow>F2 through <Up-arrow>F11.
