Storyboard Tab Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Storyboard tab are listed in the following table. Some keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section; the Focus column in the table specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab, see Working with the Storyboard Tab.




Ctrl+M (Windows)
Cmd+M (macOS)

(Production Management) Create a new marker (by default, a marker with a red icon)

Media Viewer

Storyboard tab

Browse app

Search app

Ctrl +number (top-row or numeric keypad)


(Production Management) Create a marker and set the icon color as follows:

  • Ctrl+0: Last color picked. If no previous color was selected in a session, the color is white.

  • Ctrl+1: Red

  • Ctrl+2: Green

  • Ctrl+3: Blue

  • Ctrl+4: Cyan

  • Ctrl+5: Magenta

  • Ctrl+6: Yellow

  • Ctrl+7: Black

  • Ctrl+8: White

The NumLock state must be enabled to use these commands on the numeric keypad.

Media Viewer

Storyboard tab

Browse app

Search app

Ctrl+number (Windows)
Cmd+number (macOS)

(top-row or numeric keypad)

(Asset Management) Creates a segment as follows:

  • Ctrl+1 / Cmd+1: Opens a new segment and sets the In point to the current timecode

  • Ctrl+2 / Cmd+2: Closes the open segment and sets the Out point to the current timecode

  • Ctrl+3 / Cmd+3: Creates a segment with one frame duration

Media Viewer

Storyboard tab

Browse app

Search app

Shift (hold) + Up Arrow

Shift (hold) + Down Arrow

Shift (hold) + Click

Used to select multiple consecutive markers, restrictions, or segments

Storyboard tab

Ctrl (hold) + Click

Used to select multiple non-consecutive markers, restrictions, or segments

Storyboard tab

Up Arrow

Down Arrow

Used to navigate to the previous marker, restriction, or segment

Used to navigate to the next marker, restriction, or segment

Storyboard tab

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Used to navigate to the previous marker

Used to navigate to the next marker

Asset Editor Media Viewer

Ctrl + C

Copy the selected marker(s) or segment(s)

Storyboard tab


Delete the selected marker(s), restriction(s) or segment(s)

List view

Delete / Backspace

Delete the selected text or figures

List view (Integer, Float, Date, Time, DateTime, Text)


Positions the cursor in the Comment field of the selected marker or restriction

List view


Keep the already selected term

List view (Legal list, thesaurus)


Discard your input, keep the original value and end editing mode

List view (Date, Time, DateTime, Duration, Integer, Float, Timecode)

Up Arrow

Down Arrow

Increase value

Decrease value

List view (Date, Time, DateTime)

Up Arrow

Down Arrow

Move to the beginning of the field

Move to the end of the field

List view (Duration, Integer, Float, Timecode, Text

Up Arrow

Down Arrow

Move cursor to the line above

Move cursor to the line below

List view (Text (multi-line)



Move to the beginning of the field

Move to the end of the field

List view (Duration, Integer, Float, Timecode, Text



Move to the beginning of the line

Move to the end of the line

List view (Text (multi-line)

Left Arrow

Right Arrow

Advance to the input control at the left side

Advance to the input control at the right side

List view (Date, Time, DateTime)

Left Arrow

Right Arrow

Advance to the character/figure to the left side

Advance to the character/figure to the right side

List view (Duration, Integer, Float, Timecode, Text)



Advance to the input control at the right side within the attribute


List view (Date, Time, DateTime)



Exit edit mode of non-text attributes

n You cannot navigate between the properties of segments using the Tab key.

List view

Ctrl + A

Select the entire text

List view (Text)

Ctrl + C

Copy the selected text

List view (Text)

Ctrl + V

Paste copied text, duration, timecode

List view (Text, Duration, Timecode)

Ctrl + X

Cut the selected text

List view (Text)

Ctrl + Y

Redo the action

List view (Text, Float, Integer)

Ctrl + Z

Undo the input

List view (Text, Float, Integer)


Checks or unchecks the in-focus check box

List view (Boolean)