Tasks App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Tasks app are listed in the following table. Some keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section; the Focus column in the table specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab, see Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management).




Shift (hold) + Up Arrow

Shift (hold) + Down Arrow

Shift (hold) + Click

Used to select multiple consecutive tasks

Tasks List

Ctrl (hold) + Click

Used to select multiple non-consecutive tasks

Tasks List

Up Arrow

Down Arrow

Used to navigate to the previous task

Used to navigate to the next task

Tasks List



Used to navigate to the first task in the Task List

Used to navigate to the last task in the Task List

Tasks List


Keep the already selected term

Task Details (Legal list, thesaurus)

Delete / Backspace

Delete the selected text or figures

Task Details

Ctrl + A

Select the entire text

Task Details (Text)

Ctrl + C

Copy the selected text

Task Details (Text)

Ctrl + P

Paste copied text

Task Details (Text)

Ctrl + X

Cut the selected text

Task Details (Text)

Ctrl + Y

(While the cursor is positioned in a metadata field and you have not saved your changes) Redo the action

Task Details

Ctrl + Z

(While the cursor is positioned in a metadata field and you have not saved your changes) Undo the input

Task Details