Creating a Transcript
Transcripts for assets can be created by automated workflows or by manual interaction in the Transcript tab. The following use cases are supported in the Transcript tab:
Creating the initial transcript for an entire asset
Creating transcript for an additional audio track
Triggering Re-transcribe for a track that has already a transcript
c Creating transcripts currently is not limited by specific user privileges. But it is covered with a quota license that tracks and limits the number of hours of transcribed audio. Therefore, check your company policy before you create transcripts. Once the license quota has exceeded, creating transcripts will fail; in the Process app you will see "License quota exceeded: ent_mcs_count_stt" on each failed Media Analytics job.
Creating the Initial Transcript for an Entire Asset
To create the initial transcript for an asset, proceed as follows.
To create the initial transcript:
Open an asset in the Transcript tab.
If the asset has no transcript, the "There is no transcript yet" message is shown.
The transcript selection in the Transcript tab toolbar is empty.
Click the Transcribe Asset button.
The Create Transcript dialog box opens.
Select the track(s) for which a transcript is to be generated from the Audio Track list.
The Audio Track list shows the available audio tracks of the asset — but not more than 16.
n If you select more than one audio track, the tracks will be mixed down into one track for transcription and a transcript for the mixed down audio track is created.
Click the Transcribe button.
The dialog box is closed and the transcript creation job is triggered.
If the transcript creation cannot be triggered, a "Failed to create transcript" error message is shown and the Create Transcript dialog box is not closed. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
Click the Reload button.
The Transcript tab shows a "Transcription in progress" message.
(optional) Open the Process app and monitor the transcript creation job. See Monitoring Transcribe Jobs in the Process App.
Click the Reload button as needed.
For non-growing clips that are shorter than 1 hour, only the fully created transcript is shown. Clicking the Reload button updates the tab after the transcribe job has completed.
If the transcribe job fails before completion, the Transcription in progress message will be replaced by the Transcription failed message.
When a transcript is created for a growing (EWC) clip or a non-growing clip that is longer than 1 hour, the Transcript tab display auto-refreshes, new portions of the transcript are automatically shown. As long as the transcript creation is not finished, the shown transcript segments are in read-only mode. When the transcript creation is finished, click the Reload button to enable editing of the transcript.
If the transcribe job fails before completion, already displayed portions of the transcript are removed and the Transcription failed message is shown again.
Creating Transcript for Selected Audio Tracks
For an asset that already has a transcript, you can do the following:
Create a transcript for an additional audio track.
Re-create the transcript for an audio track.
c If a re-transcribe job for an audio track with existing transcript is triggered, all edits made to the transcript will be overwritten.
The workflow for both use cases is quite the same, as described in the following procedure.
To create the transcript for selected tracks:
Open an asset in the Transcript tab.
The first available transcript is shown. The transcript selection in the Transcript tab toolbar shows all completed, failed or currently being created transcripts of the asset.
Click the Create New Transcription button in the Transcript tab toolbar.
The Create Transcript dialog box opens.
Select the track(s) for which a transcript is to be generated from the Audio Track list.
The Audio Track list shows the audio tracks of the asset.
n If you select more than one audio track, the tracks will be mixed down into one track and a transcript for the mixed down audio track is created. For example, if you select A1 and A2, a mixed down transcript for A1-A2 is created. If you want to create separate transcripts for A1 and A2, first create the transcript for A1, then for A2.
Click the Transcribe button.
The dialog box is closed and the transcript creation job is triggered.
If a selected audio track has already a completed transcript or a transcript currently being created, a Re-transcribe dialog box opens; for a track with failed transcript, the dialog box is not shown, re-transcription is started directly. The Re-transcribe dialog box shows one of the following messages:
"The transcript for this channel(s) is already completed, would you like to re-transcribe?"
"The transcript for this channel(s) is in progress, would you like to re-transcribe?"
Do one of the following:
Click Cancel to keep the already existing transcript/to continue with the already running transcript creation.
Click Re-transcribe to discard the already existing transcript/to stop the currently running transcript creation, and initiate the re-creation of the transcript.
(optional) Open the Process app and monitor the transcript creation job. See Monitoring Transcribe Jobs in the Process App.
Click the Reload button as needed.
For non-growing clips that are shorter than 1 hour, only the fully created transcript is shown. Clicking the Reload button updates the tab after the transcribe job has completed.
If the transcribe job fails before completion, the Transcription in progress message will be replaced by the Transcription failed message.
When a transcript is created for a growing (EWC) clip or a non-growing clip that is longer than 1 hour, the Transcript tab display auto-refreshes, new portions of the transcript are automatically shown. As long as the transcript creation is not finished, the shown transcript segments are in read-only mode. When the transcript creation is finished, click the Reload button to enable editing of the transcript.
If the transcribe job fails before completion, already displayed portions of the transcript are removed and the Transcription failed message is shown again.