Monitoring the Transcript Creation
See the following topics for more information:
Options within the Transcript Tab
How information is updated in the Transcript tab depends on if the transcript is being created for a growing (EWC) or for a non-growing clip.
To update the information displayed for a non-growing clip shorter than 1 hour:
Click the Reload button.
The data is reloaded from the server.
For non-growing clips that are shorter than 1 hour, only the fully created transcript is shown. Clicking the Reload button updates the tab after the transcribe job has completed.
If the transcribe job fails before completion, the Transcription in progress message will be replaced by the Transcription failed message.
To update the information displayed for a growing clip or non-growing clip longer than 1 hour:
When a transcript is created for a growing (EWC) clip or a non-growing clip that is longer than 1 hour, the Transcript tab display auto-refreshes, new portions of the transcript are automatically shown. As long as the transcript creation is not finished, the shown transcript segments are in read-only mode. When the transcript creation is finished, click the Reload button to enable editing of the transcript.
If the transcribe job fails before completion, already displayed portions of the transcript are removed and the Transcription failed message is shown again.
Click the Reload button once you see the following message in the Fast Bar.
The data is reloaded from the server. The transcript is enabled for editing.
To get more information on the status of your transcribe job, monitor the job progress in the Process app. See Monitoring Transcribe Jobs in the Process App.
Monitoring Transcribe Jobs in the Process App
MediaCentral Cloud UX offers process monitoring features in the Process app. You can monitor the jobs you initiated when triggering transcript creation and jobs of involved components. When signed into MediaCentral Cloud UX as a standard user, you are allowed to see only the jobs that you submitted. If an administrator enables the Master of Jobs entitlement for a user group, the users within that group can see the list of jobs submitted by all users.
By default, jobs of all types currently being used are shown as a list in the Process app that is sorted by the Name column in alphabetical order. You can modify the Process List to show only Transcribe jobs by using the following controls:
Control |
Action |
Groups filter (sidebar) |
The following Groups filters can be used for monitoring Avid Ada Transcribe jobs:
System filter (sidebar) |
The following System filters can be used for monitoring Avid Ada Transcribe jobs:
n The filters Unknown and XForm will also show jobs that are not related to Avid Ada Transcribe. |
Show Hierarchy toggle (toolbar) |
To visualize the hierarchy of the jobs involved in the transcript creation, select the Show Hierarchy toggle button in the toolbar. All jobs involved in the process chain for one transcript are shown as sub-jobs of a top-level Media Analytics job. Each top-level Media Analytics job shows the name of the asset for which the transcript is currently being created and the following prefix:
All filters are cumulative. The best approach to display Avid Ada Transcribe jobs in the Process app is to use the Groups filter and Show Hierarchy toggle, as described in the following procedure.
n As a standard user, you only see the “Group” Media Analytics and “System” Media Analytics in the Process app for the transcribe jobs you triggered in the Transcript tab. The groups and jobs of type Audio Extract, Distributed Processing Job, Distributed Processing Task and Media Transcript are not shown. Only users of a group with Master of Jobs entitlement can see the all included groups and jobs.
To monitor Transcribe jobs in the Process app:
Click the Process button on the Fast Bar.
Open the Filters sidebar.
To show only transcribe jobs using "Groups":
Expand the Groups list in the Filters sidebar.
Click the "show all" button.
In the break-out window that opens. select the process groups you want to display (Audio Extract, Distributed Processing Job, Distributed Processing Task, Media Analytics, Media Transcript) and then click the Apply button.
The Process app shows you only the corresponding jobs.
To define the grouping behavior:
Click the Display Group button so it turns blue.
Jobs are grouped by the group property in the Process List.
Click the Expand/Collapse toggle button of each job group to show its jobs.
To visualize the job hierarchy for Avid Ada Transcribe:
Click the Show Hierarchy button in the Process app toolbar so it turns blue.
Sub-jobs are arranged below their parent job in the Process List.
Since the Groups filter is still applied and Media Analytics jobs are parent jobs, the names of the other involved Groups are no longer shown.
Click the Expand button to the left side of the Media Analytics group header to show all top-level Media Analytics jobs.
Each top-level Media Analytics job shows the name of the asset for which the transcript is currently being created and a prefix (Transcribe or Analytics) in its name
Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button in front of a top-level Media Analytics job to show or hide its sub-jobs.
On the second hierarchy level, a Media Analytics<number> job for each partition is shown.
For EWC clips, the partion size is 3 minutes.
For non-growing clips, the partion size is 1 hour.
Below each Media Analytics partition job, the involved Audio Extract, Media Transform, Distributed Processing Job and Distributed Processing Task jobs are shown.
Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button in front of a parent job to show or hide its sub-jobs.
(optional) Apply additional filter criteria.
(Filters sidebar) To filter the jobs by creation time ranges, expand the Creation Time list and select one of the time ranges.
(Filters sidebar and Toolbar) To show only jobs of a specific life cycle, expand the Status list and select the Life cycle status you want to show or click the corresponding Status button in the toolbar. Multi-selection is supported.
Using Process App Notifications
The Process app supports sending messages for your jobs that reached the final state (Canceled, Completed, Failed) to the Notifications app. This allows you to stay informed about your jobs without having the Process app open. To receive notifications about your completed jobs from the Process app, the notifications need to be enabled in the User Settings > Notifications section.
n Enabling the Process app notifications will send notifications for all of your jobs in final state not only notifications for Transcribe jobs.
To customize your notification options:
Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
In the navigation panel on the left, select the Notifications group.
In the Activity Notifications section, go to the Process app group and do one of the following:
Click the toggle in the app’s header so it turns blue.
Click the toggle of the Job Completed feature so it turns blue.
Click the Save button.
Next time you trigger a transcribe job, the Process app sends a notification once the job has reached a final state, as shown in the following example.
(optional) Click on a notification.
The Process app opens. Note that the corresponding process will not be highlighted in the Process app.
(Administrators) Checking the License Quota
Using Avid Ada Transcribe is covered with a quota license that tracks and limits the number of hours of transcribed audio.
For Transcribe, the quantity equals the total number of minutes that can be transcribed within a cycle. The cycle starts at the point of the license activation and ends after one year. The counter resets to zero when the cycle ends. For more information, see "Reviewing the Licensing Results Panel" in the Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX Installation Guide.
If you transcribe the maximum amount of minutes defined by the license within a cycle, the system stops processing any new media. In the Process app, a "License quota exceeded: ent_mcs_count_stt" will be shown on each failed Media Analytics job.
You can contact Avid Sales to purchase additional minutes as needed.
As an administrator, you can monitor the current quota of the license in the MediaCentral Cloud UX License app.
To check the license quota:
to the MediaCentral Cloud UX Administrators apps.
Select the License app from the Fast Bar.
Do one of the following:
Scroll down the License app's Results area to the MediaCentral | STT Base Package license.
Type "stt" in the Filter Licenses field in the Results area toolbar.
Check the Current Quantity.
The number on the left indicates how many minutes have already been consumed and the number on the right indicates the total number of minutes that can be transcribed within a cycle.