Editing an Assignment

After you create an assignment, you might want to customize it with additional information, update the its priority or status, add assets, and more.

n If multiple users are adding or removing contacts or resources to the same topic, assignment, or task at the same time, some changes might. In this case, the user making the final change “wins”.

To edit an assignment:

  • Configure the Priority and Status settings.

    For more information, see Assigning the Priority and Status.

  • Change the title of the assignment.

    If you need to change the name of the assignment, you can click once on the title field and enter a new name.

    n You can also change the assignment’s name by slow clicking twice on the title of the assignment in the Planner Explorer.

  • Assign a Due Date.

    This value defines the completion date for the assignment.

  • Click the Description field to include additional information about the assignment.

    This area allows you to enter more descriptive data about the assignment. You might want to include background information or possibly additional instructions for the assigned contacts.

    Additionally, Collaborate allows you to add links to external websites, or even to different apps or assets within MediaCentral Cloud UX. For example you could load a story into the Rundown app, and then copy/paste the link from your browser into Description. The link becomes active after you click away from the field. When you click a hyperlink, the Collaborate app opens the page in a new tab in your browser.

  • Add Team members, Resources, or External Contacts.

    For more information, see Adding and Removing Team Members, Resources, and External Contacts.

  • Add Tags.

    For more information, see Adding and Removing Tags.

  • Configure the assignment metadata.

    • Metadata (Topic)

      This field displays the name of the topic that is associated with the assignment. You can use the menu to move the assignment to another topic — including the Assignment Landing Zone. For more information, see Moving an Assignment to a New Topic.

    • Metadata (Departments and Sources)

      For more information, see Working with Metadata.

      n Unlike Topics, assignments do not include Start and End Date values.

  • Add assets to the assignment.

    For more information, see Working Within the Media Container.

  • Create tasks to help you manage the assignment.

    For more information, see Working with Assignment Tasks.